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unit 6


What is AR

It stands for augmented reality it is a virtual thing that enables things to change unlike virtual reality which creates a totally artificial environment augmented reality uses existing environment and overlays new information on top .AR apps are written in 3D programmes that allow the developer to the animation .AR applications for smartphones typically include GPS.

It is different to vr which is visual reality Virtual reality is an fake  environment that is created with software shown to the viewer / user  in such a way that the user believes what is on the screen On a computer, virtual reality is primarily experienced through two of the five senses: sight and sound. vr changes your perception but vr doesn't

Here is an example

 Layar Browser  Augmented Reality Browser Example where you can select multiple layers of content to place into your Augmented Reality Browser allowing you to automatically find detailed content based off what your pointing your phone at.


What is the difference between AR and VR

AR and VR have some things in common they both change our view of the world. VR is able to transpose the user brings you to another place through either visors or goggles

VR kind of blocks everything  that happening around you

Whereas Augmented Reality still carries on with the current reality but adds more to it. It doesn’t move you from your location.

So in a nut shell augmented reality doesn’t lock things out and doesn’t like take you in a way from the where u are it just adjusts some the things you are looking at

Here is an example I found with Visual Reality you can swim with sharks with Augmented Reality  you can watch the shark pop up on your business card.


How is it used in the industry

Ar can be used in the industry in education -it can be used= in all levels of education goggle made a thing called expeditions which is a platform built for classrooms

Health care is another one for example if you break your leg then when you go the doctor can have a look using these software to see exactly where it is broken . Smarter shopping more immersive gaming with AR

Jornualism -Journalists often struggle with how best to bring readers to places they might not otherwise be able go, or how to make them understand events. For example, media organization RYOT, which has been producing  videos.

Travel and real estate

Skilled trades – for example things like smart glasses.

Interactive definition : interactive means that you are like connecting with something whether it is you are interacting with a person meaning you are talking to them and having a two way conversation. interactive in terms of computer could involve a game like if you are playing against the computer then you are interacting and also it could also mean when you are talking to your phone using ok google for example. 

experience of using after effects 

I used after effects to firstly animate my name using simple transition like moving from one side to another and also like rotating 360 and then combining the two and then I started using images like the mid-kent college logo.

Blippar is an app / software and it is under and interactive group of things. It allows you to view things in a different way for example if you use the app on you phone if you point the camera at a computer it will pick up that it is a computer like it will use word that are related to the object like if the computer showed a white background  the app would pick you that its a white background. it can also come up with other words related to it like it can detect what is there. You can also scan things like if you have an image then you can scan it and you can also create your own blippar by doing that (what i previously mentioned about scanning)

Apps that are similar to this are Pokemon go as it creates a different sense of reality. One of the main differences is that Pokemon  go is more location whereas Blippar isn't. 

Blippar is used for advertising purposes like for example with the Heinz ketchup idea blippar allows you to scan it so you can see different recipes which you can use with Heinz this encourages people even further to buy it as you can make many things with it. Heinz isn't the only company that uses it. 

To use Blippar you need wifi or mobile data.


My first bilppar 

To create this Blippar

Firstly i created an account for free using the Blippar website 

Secondly then i found an image on the internet that i like an then saved it 

Thirdly i imported the image into the Blippar website and then i added text as well.

After that i switched to preview and then i opened the app on my phone 

Got the code form the website typed it into my phone and then scanned it using my phone 

Then it was created 

evaluation on my AR projects 

I started off by using after effects using this io found it quite difficult as i never worked with anything like it. I started off with the basics like writing with my name and using key frames and stuff. I made my name move (animate ). At first used simply transition by making my name move from one side to another after that I made it like go fast then go slow. This was after I got a little more comfortable with me using it. After that I learnt how to use blippar I firstly started by creating a blippar account and then I managed to animate it before using this I looked at using the app myself so I like scanned things and it and I saw how the app worked and what it did.

I found out using after affects pretty hard as I didn't know how the buttons and key frames worked at first. I managed to do it in the end with some extra support. I also used blippar I found using this very interesting as like it is very advanced technology.





1st idea - Fanta bottle

I am going to use this as my first at project I have seen it before when I searched it up. I will make it look like the Fanta is like a live. I will have the wrapper stand out like the calories will stick out and then the logo will stand out this makes emphasis on the important part of the drink and make it look like an advertising type thing. It will be similar to like the Heinz ketchup thing where it highlights different recipes you can do using tomato Heinz ketchup. The drink writing on the label could move around.

I could also look at maybe moving the bottle side to side to show different sides of the bottle like the front bit with the logo and the other side with the ingredients.

Or I could look like the Fanta label is turning just like the way the Heinz ketchup one.

some of the ar projects people have done which are for Fanta are really good I combined some of the ones I had a look at.

Starbucks is a café place which specialises in hot drinks. It is well known and you can either do take away or you can sit in. The also do food like panini or sandwiches.

the meaning of the logo is 

'Starbucks logo is a unique design that unfailingly catches the interest and attention of onlookers. This memorable symbol is one of most recognized business logo designs that’s adored by coffee lovers from across the globe'

It has a very disicint logo as the colours are green and white 

the second idea is Starbucks logo this is a very complex logo and it can be scanned very easily and the face in the logo can look like it is talking.  I could it so you can see some of the food or drinks they sell which is another commercial thing like again what I explained about the Heinz and also with the Fanta idea I had before. 

Starbucks is all around the world so there could have some of the flags form different countries 


revolution is a makeup brand which does all type of makeup but is most know for their eyeshadow. It is very common and is wildly used.

I thought this was a good idea as I could do that when you scan it shows different eyeshadow techniques makeup looks. I could also make the logo stand out. I could show it by using an eyeshadow palette  which is open and  the mirror  would show the different techniques so it would be like looking in the mirror. I will only show makeup techniques that involve eyeshadow palette. 

Revolution is one of the most popular makeup brand. 


I am going to do the idea of makeup due to many reasons i think it is the best idea as i am more passionate about makeup and think it will look better in the long run and i just think it is more unique than the other ideas that i have. the Fanta idea is too simple  and very predictable compared to the makeup up idea and also the Starbucks logo wasn't  as good as the makeup idea. just because it has been done a lot before as i previously mentioned before i wanted a very unique idea. 

I looked at the advantages and disadvantages of the other ideas and the makeup idea had less disadvantages than the Fanta and Starbucks idea so overall it is the best one. I thought the makeup one have more purpose than the other two ideas. I wanted to show the different colour combinations. I wanted the different makeup ideas to hoover over the palette. The Fanta idea had some good bits and i had a look at some of the ideas that other people have done for advertising purposes and i thought they looked  nice but very simple and i liked the more complex ideas like the one with the makeup idea. For the makeup idea i didn't have to research as much as i did for the others i knew the makeup a lot more  ideas. It is very creative the plan that i came up with. The advantages of the makeup is that there is many purposes and has a big target audience just like the others. It is also a small teaching technique but in a more fun and nice way. The idea i have in my head isn't the like the usual book flipping idea it will better presentation and style than the others. Starbucks idea of the man kinda moving doesn't really have any purpose as there isnt a good reason for it like the makeup idea shows different makeup ideas you can do the moving man doesn't have anything to do with advertising or anything it would be more kid like and immature than not really professional idea. The second idea i came up with the Starbucks was to have the word Starbucks hoover over the logo but it isn't really that good or creative its boring and doesn't any purpose again just like the other one.  

target audience

my target audience would be for makeup lovers as i am doing an idea with makeup it might be more for revolution makeup brand lovers as the palette would be revolution. there is isn't any gender restricted group as in this day and age men and women wear makeup. it can be any age as makeup us worn by a variety of age group from and young child to a elderly person. 

Swot evaluation

S- I know a lot about makeup so I know different makeup techniques that can be created using a eyeshadow palette. The purpose of the augmented reality project is to show the different makeup techniques. I also use revolution which is the palette I am using for the project

W- It looks complicated and I don’t know whether I will be able to create it and obviously if I cant do it then that’s a disadvantage.

O- I can get people to test it and I can have a look at what the best makeup techniques work.

T – I haven’t really seen any makeup up augmented reality projects so I think it might be like mentioned before it probably is hard it might be too similar to the Heinz ketchup one

What is my purpose for the augmented reality?

The purpose of the augmented reality project is in some ways is advertising like I am showing different makeup techniques you can use using the palette also I think it is also a learning technique as many people would be seeing learning different things as learning things don’t have to just be through with words it can also be with images and that’s what I am doing with the project. It is also in some ways for entertainment.

Proposal (short one )

I am going to create a makeup project and It will involve a eyeshadow makeup palette and when you scan it it will show different makeup ideas like with different eyeshadow techniques. The images will hoover over the makeup techniques or it will like open up like a book. I am using a revolution brand of makeup.

I want it to appeal to different age ranges and also appeal to all gender like I mentioned in a target audience I don’t want it to be for one specific group.

Summary of research

I started by looked at different AR projects starting by looking at the Heinz augmented reality project I also had a look at what is the different between VR and AR

-This was an  article about augmented reality and when it was first discovered.

-It explains all about it and what is gong to happen with it


I also had a look at some YouTube videos which were related to this topic

-this was  video which was to do with augmented reality it is a small demo

detailed proposal 

I am planning to create a augmented project that advertising makeup specifically the makeup brand revolution it is going to be an efficient piece which highlights different styles you can complete using the eyeshadow palette from a basic style to a party whether it be themed to a night on the town. It will have a range of styles to suit different individuals (for example their town and colour prefences). the project will include the images of the style one of the styles will be the smokey eye as that is very popular. Different styles will suit age ranges as the younger end might want a more funkier style whereas the older generation might want the more subtle look as they might have more sofisated places to than younger people generally.  The piece will be like a book in a way and the makeup ideas will appear like an instruction  manual. It will be more like a video than

As revolution is a popular brand and it has many colours in the palette which allows you to do different styles with the colours combination. As well as the pictures it could have a few small detailed info for example what the style is and then what colours are involved.

I want it to start with the palette opening and then for the colours to shine so they are emphasised adding to this then I in the mirror it has the different styles and it will be moving showing all the popular styles.

The image below shows proposal with image

Research on revolution

·         It is  makeup brand which is worldwide sold across many stores for example : Boots, Superdrug and body shop etc.

·         It has different products including eye shadow and concealer

·         Revolution has its own store just  like mac

·         It makes a lot sales

·         It is one of the most popular makeup brands

·         They have a Instagram page where they advertise their products showing different models.


I started with doing basic videos on after affects like moving my name across the page and making it do loops the loop and then i looked into a page which is called blippar and started messing about with it i created my own piece with speaker and my name and used a trigger image and a code i found this pretty easy to do compared to after effects. creating the product wasn't too bad all in all. Making my final product was ok I  kind off changed it compared to my proposal instead of a book I made it that the palette was clear and then the images started appearing on the mirror bit of the palette and i thought that it was better than my original idea. I think it is appropriate  target audience as i showed different styles of makeup i did the smokey eye and basic eyeshadow and did some outrageous styles which would suite all different types of people. I think overall that I could have been better in terms i could have showed different types of makeup like eyebrows. if i was to do it again then I would consider that. I maybe should have also done some more research into other makeup brands. If i did that then it could extend  my target audience. The project was different as the one I create didn't a code or trigger image. 

I think it was better than my originally idea and it worked better than the other ideas.

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