i think that since september i have developed new skills and i learnt how to edit video and audio and how to film using different angles....
My five year plan
1st year - Be in college still studying in college creative media and starting work experience with a company and researching and...
Swot evaluation
Strengths - I am a creative person which helps with the job I want to go into as you have to come with ideas in terms of what you are...
video ideas (Amanda)
The mind map above is my first idea its about celebs and how they influence young people beliefs on the perfect image they make young...
factual research
Factual means when some has been proven and it is no an opinion as they are not proven and it is one sided. scientist especially like to...
Comparing Primary and secondary sources
Primary sources are more reliable than secondary sources as primary sources are originally created or written by you whereas secondary...
primary and secondary sources
Primary sources are the raw materials of history original documents and objects which were created at the time under study. They provide...
blog entry
i have learnt how to operate a camera and how to use premiere pro i also learnt how to work a mac as i previously didnt know how to work...
explanation i did shutter-speed and it affected the way the photo turned out different the first pic/ 3rd pic had the shutter speed of...
what media do i use
Instagram - to check up the post of people and what they do i their everyday lives . it is funny and its a good thing to do when your...