primary and secondary sources
Primary sources are the raw materials of history original documents and objects which were created at the time under study. They provide direct of first-hand evidence about an event object person or work of art. Some examples of primary sources questionnaires surveys interviews speeches and emails.
In general these are documents that were created by the witness or first recorders of these events at about the time that it occurred.
Primary sources tend to be more reliable the secondary sources
primary sources are common with photographers as they take their own photos which is their own work.
In history many accounts that people talk about were written by someone at the time for example letters written by soldiers in the time during Ww1.
secondary sources
secondary source is a document or commentary that quotes or references a primary source without first-hand knowledge of the activity or event. secondary source information tends to be
common secondary are in the music industry like many artist sing song that were not originally theirs which is a prime example. Secondary sources can also include the internet this when you read things like Wikipedia and use some of it in your this isn't you originally work and it is considered secondary source. Videos can also be secondary sources like when people merge different videos together to make one big video.
Secondary source:
one that gives information about a primary source. the original information is selected, modified and arranged in a suitable format for the purpose of easy location by the users.Secondary source information can be biased. Biased information is written to give only one particular opinion or to influence people's views. These can be seen in the news or on television as people want to makre themselves better or to get you to believe a particular view.
Here are some examples
newspapers, directories, books and maps
DVDs and websites
television and radio