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primary sources are more reliable than secondary sources as primary sources are originally created or written by you whereas secondary sources are written by someone else

is defined as factual, firsthand accounts of the study written by a person who was part of the study. The methods vary on how researchers run an experiment or study, but it typically follows the scientific method. One way you can think of primary research is that it is typically original research.

Secondary research is defined as an analysis and interpretation of primary research. The method of writing secondary research is to collect primary research that is relevant to a writing topic and interpret what the primary research found. It is less factual it is more of different information/opinions merged together

Factual means when some has been proven and it is no an opinion as they are not proven and it is one sided. scientist especially like to prove things and don't go on just theory they have to go on facts to prove they look at history and they use like experiments to prove something they think has or is going to happen. Most media that is shown in the news are based on facts as they have evidence to back up what they are saying. However in media sometimes things can be twisted the word for this is censored they do this to make themselves to either look better or to suit a particular group and it can also to make something sound smaller than the thing really some good examples of this was during the war as they dissent want peoples blitz spirt to be dampened. 

factual and opinion can be confused as something like. All the problems are caused by a particular. some people will say its a fact but some people will so that it is a matter of opinion as it hasn't actually been proven. 

Some examples are of factual programmes is documentaries as they do a lot of  research and they collect statistics and get evidence before presenting the show.

Some jobs only do things based on facts for examples scientist have to prove everything before saying anything they can just assume things. Lawyers only do things based on facts as they need to give a fair verdict and rely on evidence to come up with their decision. other examples are news reporters have to mainly base things of factual information as they are not meant to give false information to the public.

Factual information is the best information as it isn't biased. Films sometimes are based of facts like some historical films are based on an event that happened in the past like boy in stripped pjs

Gaming most of the time people believe it is just young boys that are obsessed with games but it can affect girls and older people too he.Most of the time it tend to affect teens with the technology advancing everyday teen becoming obsessed with screens and with the invention of PS4 and GTA  and x box they have become so involved with the imaginary world and become too comfortable with talking over messaging and they cant have a proper conversation in real life and causes some teens panic attacks. 

Some extreme cases are one man went and killed his friend as he believed that he got a sign from an online character. 

The mind map above is my first idea its about celebs and how they influence young people beliefs on the perfect image they make young people feel insecure it isn't always the celebs themselves but it is they way they are presented. Apps like photo shop are used in the media especially in the modelling world models are presented to have the desired body and it is the same for the men. the worlds cultural is slowly starting to accept all body types but sometimes Skinner people are seen as prettier and more perfect and this is a problem as young people like 16 year olds are insecure enough without even more pressure they have from the media. 

Primary sources are the raw materials of history original documents and objects which were created at the time under study. They provide direct of first-hand evidence about an event object person or work of art. Some examples of primary sources questionnaires surveys interviews speeches and emails.

In general these are documents that were created by the witness or first recorders of these events at about the time that it occurred.

Primary sources tend to be more reliable the secondary sources

primary sources are common with photographers as they take their own photos which is their own work.

In history many accounts that people talk about were written by someone at the time for example letters written by soldiers in the time during Ww1.


secondary sources

secondary source is a document or commentary that quotes or references a primary source without first-hand knowledge of the activity or event. secondary source information tends to be

common secondary are in the music industry like many artist sing song that were not originally theirs which is a prime example. Secondary sources can also include the internet this when you read things like Wikipedia and use some of it in your this isn't you originally work and it is considered secondary source. Videos can also be secondary sources like when people merge different videos together to make one big video.

Secondary source:

one that gives information about a primary source.  the original information is selected, modified and arranged in a suitable format for the purpose of easy location by the users.Secondary source information can be biased. Biased information is written to give only one particular opinion or to influence people's views. These can be seen in the news or on television as people want to makre themselves better or to get you to believe a particular view.

Here are some examples

newspapers, directories, books and maps

DVDs and websites

television and radio


Fashion has changed so much since back in the Victorian era to the naughties  era it has been change change change women clothing  has been the biggest change as before used to have to cover up at all times whereas now women have more freedom in what they wear. designer clothes are on the range as many people go after things like Gucci and super dry. It shows that you have money. 

my justification 

i had a look at my three ideas and analysed which one I believe would be good to talk about and which one would be easier to talk about and which one I was more passionate about as that would make it a better video and thinking of all that i chose to do was my idea about  the celebrities basically everyone knows a least one celeb and especially amongst teens. With the rise of the Kardishans many teenagers aspire to look like them especially Kylie Jenner as she is around the same age as the and when she got her first plastic surgery she was 16 so many teenagers believe what she did was good even though it isn't the way to go about things. Many models as well try to portray an perfect image which in their and the media eyes is skinny tall and have to look perfect but in realty they use photoshop to clean up any flaws and people are discouraged to show their flaws so I want to talk about this I believe it is so relatable to teenagers as they are slowly brainwashed to believe this it isn't just girls who are targeted boys are as well they are shown men like David Beckham and male models are shown to be hench and fit in terms of body. my other ideas were good like I like the idea of different fashion but I came to the conclusion that I could merge that in to my other video as it would all link together as i can talk about how when celebrities wear a particular clothing everyone wants to get the particular which links to how fashion can be impacted by the celebrity culture. The idea about gaming was good but I don't think I can personally relate really well as I don't have that passion for gaming like other people would be able to. I feel like when doing this video/ advert I think that you should do something that you can have a comfortable conversation without having to force it also

I think that celebs are relatable to both women and men where as gaming is more for boys even though it effects some girls.

plans for my video 

first 30s I am going to start by introducing the task and my topic and then i will introduce myself 

then i am going to go on to talk about what a celebrity really is and explain firstly how they influence in terms of fashion so like how if someone like Rihanna or Kylie Jenner wears something how people will go out of their way to go and buy something similar or exactly the same as that. then i will go on to talk about image in terms of body i'm going to explain how women are meant to be 'perfect' and there ideas of perfect is  that you shouldn't have imperfections and you have clear skin, big bum, tall , skinny and slutty and how people like the Kardashians encourage this as they amongst other celebrities encourage teens to get plastic surgery when they are not happy with something and don't encourage people to express their imperfections. This is the same for boys as they are put under pressure to be hench and muscle as idols like Davide Beckham are presented to be physically fit and also very manly 


i am going to be addressing celebs influence on 16 year old

in this ociety media this taken over and with technoogy developing everyday more and more people are influenced 

firstly models especially victoria secret model make 16 yr old think they have to be stupidly skinny and have to have the look. Also people like the Kardishans show that if you have imperfections you should cover them with plastic surgery as you shouldn't have anything wrong with you. 

the pressure isn't just on girls boys also get it as people like David Beckham and Jason Durelo preset that the perfect boy is with a 6 pac and they shouldn't be femimine in any way .

i think that you should be able to look and act in anyway you want as everyone is different for a reason 

analysing three type of secondary

this is a news paper article which was from express news it was about an group who recently won x factor and it is relatable to what i am doing as am i talking about celebs influences and that an this is about celebrities this is the least relevant in terms of my one is more about bad influence celebs have but this one is bad publicity it is more good stuff as it is about their success.

 i think that this relevant as these guys are hot in the charts and they are good and they are all quite hench and this shows there influence on people as again any young teenage girls are attracted to them and this might make young teenager boys be insecure about themselves as the feel the pressure to compete.

This news article was dissing her as she was seen wearing loose fitting clothes and people assumed straight way thought she was pregnant and this shows that the exception for glam celebs is that they should always wear tight fitted clothes which shouldn't be the case they should be able to wear what ever they want and they can embrace the causal look this in a way is bad message to teens as we all have our lazy days and just want to wear big oversized clothes but in this article it shows that females should always wear uncomfortable clothes and this is wrong and also this is also in some ways body shaming as tight clothes tend to be worn by the skinner people so again they are showing that skinner are better. 

This is encouraging that the only men that are hunky are the ones with muscles and spend all the time in the gym getting muscles and if you don't have muscles you're not a hunk or attractive this might put pressure on teenagers to become obsessed with working out and trying at all cost to pump up including using steroids

they are all related to the topic as my topic is all about celebrity news and their influence in teenage society and this secondary source that I am using are articles that are present / in the past that are all about good or bad things that celebs have been involved with 

and how their nice influences young teen as the one about Rihanna because she made headlines because of her clothing and weight it might make teenager focus on the choice of clothing and their body type / shape





good things

 I made sure that I was looking into the camera and got a good shots  I made sure was talking as well as ith my mouth I also talked with my hands so it wasn't all plain. It was good as I had script that I learnt so my presentation wasn't all over the place I mad sure that I stuck to the script and and also some of the takes I took I deleted as for me it wasn't. I got three different shots which was low shot close shot and high shot. I didn't really stumble to much when I was speaking the reason was that I made a script in advance I also learnt it so I wasn't looking at the script when I was talking as that can be quite of putting when filming. I took on some of the comments that people. Some of the examples were that I should make references and also include some of the examples of the celeb I mentioned Jay - Z and also Victoria secret models.

I also mentioned some of the secondary sources like the one about Rihanna and I analysed it a way when I was talking about.

Bad things

I could had more than one person in the video so in the video had didn't people views and different voices. Even though I tried not to there was a little stumble also feel that I could more imaginative as its target audience is teen agers and as a teen myself I feel like in so ways this video could be seen as boring the content is good just the way it is presented.

How could I improve it next time .

I could like I mentioned before maybe make it a little more like exciting and also I could use a bigger range of shots as I only used three

I would maybe edit a free clips were they are talking about a topic which is relevant that I am talking about and lastly I also mentioned this before that I get ore than e person to talk in the video.

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